Hi All:
Just wanted to give you an update on current events. I’m about to turn the Porcaro manuscript in to Rob Wallis at Hudson Music after five years of work. I’ve already sent photos and surprise items that I won’t reveal here, but I guarantee these are things you will be so excited to see. The photos and extras have never been seen before and I know they will be such a joy for all of you. I know this because they were a joy for me when I saw them. For those of you who live in the L.A. area, we hope when the book comes out that we will have a couple of local book signings with perhaps a couple of special guests. I can’t wait! In the meantime, I will keep you posted as to the progress on Robyn Flans Drummer Interviews page, and of course, let you know the release date as we get closer. Also wanted to mention that now that my time is opening up a little, I am available for my standard writing services which you can check out of my other site: www.robynflansmedia.com I offer such services as press releases, newsletters, and most popular are bios which are important to have for your website or when you complete a new project. Please check out the site and feel free to contact me for more information. Looking forward to connecting soon.